
Exascale Computing

The TOP500 list, updated twice a year, ranks the world's fastest supercomputers. Currently, the fastest supercomputer has achieved exascale computing, a major milestone in the evolution of supercomputers. Exascale computing, defined by its ability to perform at least one exaFLOP (one quintillion, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 floating-point operations per second), offers unprecedented processing power.

The importance of exascale computing lies in its potential to revolutionize a wide array of scientific and practical fields. The immense computational power of exascale systems will enable scientists to create highly detailed and accurate models of complex systems, such as climate simulations, which are crucial for understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change. These computers will also accelerate advancements in materials science by allowing researchers to simulate and study new materials at the atomic level, leading to innovations in technology and industry.

The Crucial Role of Computing Power in AI

Computing power, or "compute," is a key driver of AI progress. Over the past thirteen years, the amount of compute used to train leading AI systems has increased by a factor of 350 million, enabling major AI advances that have recently gained global attention. Much of the AI progress over the past decade has resulted from significant increases in the amount of computing power used to train and run AI models. In many AI domains, researchers have found that performance on training objectives predictably increases as the amount of compute used to train a model increases.

Hardware improvements and massively increased investments have resulted in the amount of compute used to train notable AI systems doubling every six months. This exponential growth in computing power has allowed developers to train models on vast datasets, enabling AI to independently learn how to solve complex problems across various fields, including large-language models, Go, protein folding, and autonomous vehicles.

Our Mission

Yotta Labs is dedicated to

connecting global decentralized hardware to push the aggregated computation limit to yottascale

This will vastly advance the frontier of AI research and technology. We believe this can only be achieved through a decentralized, community-driven approach. By enabling anyone with a GPU to contribute to our network, we create a decentralized AI computing ecosystem that is efficient, sustainable, and scalable.

Join us on our journey to push the boundaries of AI computing and unlock the full potential of decentralized technologies. Together, we can achieve yottascale – a new level of AI computing, which is 1,000,000 times more powerful than exascale, marking a historic advancement in human capability.

Last updated